Cuisines beaucage

They soften a décor and offer beautiful openings with elegant curves. For millennia, they have been incorporated into various architectural elements, furniture, and even accessories.

At Cuisines Beaucage, we are captivated by the bold character they bring to a design. You may have guessed it—the arch has won our hearts and is making a strong comeback in modern architectural designs this year.

Arches have now become an integral part of many homes, whether in entrances, pantries, furniture, doors, windows, mirrors, or even decorative accessories.

Although sometimes challenging to integrate compared to straight lines in a room, arches become assets in their own right. They allow a décor to stand out and add charm to a space.

And let’s face it, the word “arch” pairs well with “sleek,” “attractive,” and “impressive”… It’s no wonder they were once celebrated for their magnificence!

Imagine entering your kitchen under an arch every day… Yes, we know, it sounds like a scene from a romantic movie. But you could be the leading character every day!

Will you listen to your heart and incorporate an interior arch into your kitchen, living room, or bedroom this year?

You don’t need to embark on major renovation projects to enhance your décor. A simple arch painted directly on the wall can create a similar effect, highlighting a room, a piece of furniture, or a plain wall that needs a bit of radiance.

In these cooler moments, we all seek a bit of comfort, and why not find some in our décor? An arch has everything to envelop anyone in softness.

If you feel inspired to add this architectural element to your kitchen, don’t hesitate to discuss it with one of the designers at Cuisines Beaucage. They’ll be delighted to help with your ideas for curves!

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